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VI Congress for the study of violence against women at FIBES Seville 2015

by | Jan 1, 2015 | ENGLISH | 0 comments

VI Congress for the study of violence against women at FIBES Seville 2015


The VI Congress for the study of violence against women: situations of particular vulnerability will be held the next 9 and 10 of November of 2015 at FIBES Seville.

The Ministry for equality and social policies of the Junta de Andalucía is the organizer of the Congress VG15 and aims the training to professionals in the field of gender-based violence as well as the dialogue and reflection on this social problem. In this edition the treated theme will be the violence against women in situations of particular vulnerability.

Congress VG15

Congress VG15 is divided into three parts:


The first part: virtual Congress

Participants can access a virtual platform with material about the papers and scientific articles, and participate in forums of communication.

The second part: face to face Congress

Held on 9 and 10 November at FIBES Seville. During these two days will be offered different conferences and working groups.


Third: virtual Congress

As in the first part, the participants may continue with Congress on different communication forums. You can also access material collected in face-to-face sessions.


Join the Congress VG15. You won’t regret it.



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