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Tricicle presents Bits in Seville

by | Jan 1, 2015 | ENGLISH | 0 comments

Tricicle presents Bits in SevilleThe Tricicle Theatre Company presents Bits, at the teathre Lope de Vega in Seville,

The BITS are minimal units of binary information, live in computers and transmitted around the globe via internet, which is a kind of digital highway where we can browse through worlds that we never thought we will stay.

 In this show, the members of Tricicle have become bit and as such, thanks a mouse they can jumping sketch, theme, decor, characters, sex and even recover old acquaintances to become an auto-homenaje in order to increase a unhealthy passion that pursues them for 34 years ago: achieving the greatest density of Gags per minute possible (DGMP).