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Procession of the Virgen de los Reyes on August, 15.

by | Jan 1, 2016 | ENGLISH | 0 comments

Salida procesional VIrgen de los ReyesAs every year, the Virgen de los Reyes will be in procession by the streets of Seville on August, 15.

Early in the morning, more specifically at 05:30, activities start at the Cathedral. Numerous early-rising citizens go to mass and to see the most important procession of Seville.


Retinue goes out at 07:40 from Puerta de Palos formed by religious, municipal, military and civilian authorities, who will join the Virgen de los Reyes on her retinue. The Virgin is in the lintel of the door at eight o’clock, time to ask ‘the three thanks to the Virgin’.

The pace takes a two-hours tour surrounding the Cathedral accompanied by music and under the impressive peal of bells of the Giralda.

At the end of the procession, the Archbishop, preside over the seasonal mass in front of the pace of the Patron Saint, which will be located in the Altar of the Jubilee.

Retinue: Cruz alzada precedida por la Banda Municipal, Asociación de Fieles de Nuestra Señora de los Reyes y San Fernando, Archicofradía Sacramental del Sagrario, Capilla musical, Clero y Excelentísimo Cabildo Catedral, Paso de Nuestra Señora de los Reyes, Preste y ministros sagrados, Corporación musical, Delegado de Gobierno y Compañía militar de honores.

Itinerary: Puerta de los Palos, calles Placentines, Alemanes, Avenida de la Constitución, Fray Ceferino González, Plaza del Triunfo, Plaza Virgen de los Reyes y Puerta de los Palos.

