“In the room carrier of the Real Alcazar of Seville will take place from May 7 to June 14, 2015, the exhibition: hidden treasures: the most valuable illuminated manuscripts in Europe”. It will be the carrier of the Real Alcázar room that will host the exhibition from 09:30 H to 19:00 from Monday to Sunday pm. The entry for anyone who wants to revel in this exhibition will be €9.50. Pensioners and students from 17 to 25 years: €2.
Hidden treasures: the most valuable illuminated manuscripts in Europe.
If there is a list of the 10 most important illuminated manuscripts preserved, 8 of them would be in this exhibition. You can find among others the most luxurious Codex of the Islamic world in the book of happiness. They are treated in a scientific and astrological nature around the concept of happiness, commissioned by the Sultan Murad II, contemporary of Felipe II. The Tacuinum Sanitatis, whose boards of health were widespread during the middle ages will also display. In addition, they will be the three most important atlases preserved of an era in which the world was expanding. Thus we see the Atlas Miller, the Vallard Atlas and Universal Fernão Vaz Dourado Atlas. All preceded by twenty copies of the most valuable manuscripts which were painted between the 10th and 16th centuries.