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Film Symphony Orchestra in Seville

by | Jan 1, 2015 | ENGLISH | 0 comments

Film Symphony Orchestra in SevilleFilm Symphony Orchestra returns once again to Seville. This artistic project aims to cover one of the spaces not covered in the musical offerings of Spain. Professional Orchestra, with more than 70 musicians selected by an artistic Committee which ensures the highest levels of technical and musical professionalism, offers every year concerts with the best music in film, that we all know and we want to hear.

The tour by 2015 is more broad you project so far, with more than 20 concerts in all Spain.

Each show provides music accompanied by spectacular effects of light, sound, color and images that complete the concerts. These concerts are unique, as they approach the film music through films like us all that we enjoy, we had fear and we fell in love.

They will sound titles as Matrix, legends of passion, Jurassic Park, Star Wars and mission impossible and for the first time in Spain titles as The imitation Game and theory, both nominated to the 2015 to best soundtrack Oscar. Do not miss it!

The concert will be on 1 November in the Congress Palace of Seville (FIBES) at 20:00 h.


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