San Miguel Fair 2017 will take place the weekend of 23 and 24 September in the Real Maestranza de Sevilla. As every year, coinciding with the honomastica of San Miguel, the tracionales bullfights will be held in the Real Maestranza de Sevilla. Among the most important figures of bullfighting in Seville will be given appointment Enrique Ponce, or José María Manzanares.
The San Miguel Fair date back to the year 1254 when King Alfonso X El Sabio granted permission for holding two annual fair in the city is Seville, one in April and one in September coinciding with the day of San Miguel. Although its origins were as livestock fairs, it was in 1875 when began the bullfights promoted by then Mayor Ybarra. Thereafter, the cattle market was in the background and the party focused on the celebration of great bullfights. Currently, the Feria de San Miguel is marked on the calendar bullfighting as one of the main celebrations of the year. They are days that bullfighting figures reach the monumental Seville will try to materialize big tasks.
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