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The Via Crucis itinerary of Christ of Humility

by | Jan 1, 2015 | ENGLISH | 0 comments

Humildad y paciencia sevillaThe Christ of Humility and Patience visit the convent of Saint Angela in the Via Crucis

Next, week starts Lent and the countdown to the Holy Week 2015 worldwide. In Sevilla all starts with the Via Crucis, specifically, on February 23. As every year, a brotherhood is chosen to make the journey in his temple, even the Holy Cathedral. This year it’s the turn of the Brotherhood of the Supper and more specifically, is the Christ of Humility and Patience who is responsible for performing the Via Crucis.

Visit to the Convent of Saint Angela

Since the tour and the highlight is known, is the visit to the Convento de Santa Angela on the commute, which will begin at 18:15 with the output from the Third Temple. It is scheduled to make entry into the Cathedral around 20:30.

After completion of the Via Crucis, has set the hour back to his temple, is at 22:00. Another of the most anticipated moments of the tour, besides the visit to the Convent of Santa Angela, will the entry into the temple by the compass of the Third, not the street Sol as planned, so I said Via Crucis, will leave prints wonderful and unforgettable.