The international fair of the birds in Doñana, Doñana BirdFair takes place from 22 to 24 April 2016 in the concerted nature reserve of la Dehesa de Abajo in Puebla de Río (Seville).
This will be the third edition of the Doñana BirdFair, the place of the Dehesa de Abajo houses most representative of Doñana birds, flight path for migratory birds and main ecosystem where they nest species as: flamingos, white cicguenas, calamones or cercedas teal.
Programming of Doñana BirdFair
Friday 22
12:00: opening
17:00 departure of guided tours
Island minimum: birds and paddy field
National Park
Territory of the Linca
Laguna – route Linca route
Green corridor of the Guadiamar
The lagoon route
Route of the Lynx.
17:45 BirdFlyWay
18:30 in Andalusia of the bearded vulture reintroduction
19:15 living olivares
19:30 evening bats in Doñana
20:00 closing of Stands
Saturday 23
09:30 Workshop
09:30 bird banding
10:00 opening of Stands
10:00 activities and workshops for children
10:00 Workshop
11:00 and 17:00 departure of guided tours
Island minimum: birds and paddy field
National Park
Territory of the Linca
Laguna – route Linca route
Green corridor of the Guadiamar
The lagoon route
Route of the Lynx.
11:00 and 13:30 Workshop
17:00 wild Islands: the forgotten of the Atlantic
18:00 Costa Rica high-speed photography
18: 30 Prontunario of the birds in Doñana
19:15 Migratory decisions in a changing word
20:00 closing of stands
20:30 and 21:30 dinner and tribute to Luis García
Sunday 24
09:30 bird banding
10:00 opening of Stands
10:00 activities and workshops for children
10:00 birds and agriculture
10: 30 the House Sparrow
11:00 departure of guided tours
Island minimum: birds and paddy field
National Park
Territory of the Linca
Laguna – route Linca route
Green corridor of the Guadiamar
The lagoon route
Route of the Lynx.
11:00 observed. org in Spain
11:45 Presentation Association of guides of Doñana
12:15 BirdWaching Comunidad Valenciana
13:00 REE: reintroduction of the Bonelli’s Eagle in the Balearic Islands.
13:45 round table
14:30 closing ceremony
Come and enjoy a ornithological days in nature!