‘Don Giovanni’ opens the opera season at Sevilla with the director Maxim Emelyanychev and the great Carlos Alvarez.
Don Juan returns to Sevilla. And it does so with the face and voice of Malaga baritone Carlos Alvarez, “one of the great operatic swingers of all time, with great scenic magnetism”. So believes Remedios Navarro, managing director of the Teatro de la Maestranza, he regains his 2008 production of Don Giovanni, with scenic design by Mario Gas and scenery and costumes by Ezio Frigerio and Franca Squarciapino- to open this Friday the opera season .
There are very few entries, 7,200 of which went on sale for the four functions of this Mozartian title that can also enjoy on Monday 24, Wednesday 26 and Saturday 29 and includes a double attraction: Maxim Emelyanychev, one of the rising stars of orchestral direction in Russia and passionate about the Baroque and Renaissance music to debut at last here 26 years, and a distinctly Spanish voice cast except the Commander who plays Pavel Daniluk. “If the crisis has left some teaching is equal [quality and economic] will hire Spanish singers. A custom hopefully come to stay,” Navarro supported echoing the debates Opera XXI, the association of Spanish lyric theaters and festivals presiding.