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by | Jan 1, 2017 | ENGLISH | 0 comments

On 15 June, the Corpus Christi celebration in Seville

It is a religious festival during which a procession takes place in the center of the city.

On this day the Feast of the Eucharist is celebrated in the streets, houses and shop windows are adorned with various altars, shawls and rosemary branches, which, together with the incense of the procession, impregnate the streets of Seville with their scents.

During the next seven days you can admire one of the oldest and most peculiar traditions of the city: the dance and song of the Six.

During this Mass the Six perform three dances, the first directed to the Santísimo, another to the Archbishop and the third to the Municipal Corporation. At the end of this last the mayor gives them the traditional double gold as a gift. The procession begins its exit by the door of San Miguel of the Cathedral.

This year sees the 15th of June to celebrate Corpus Christi to Seville and you will see a unique show.