The Virgin of the Peace will be canonically crowned at the altar of the Jubilee of the Holy Church Cathedral on Saturday, October 1.
A week before, the 24th of September, she will be moved in her palio to the main temple of the Archdiocese of Seville. There she will remain for a week to culminate with the extraordinary return to the Parish of San Sebastian on October 1.
The brotherhood has announced the itinerary both going and return. Both will start at 5: 30 in the afternoon.
Going: Parroquia de San Sebastian, Rio de la Plata, Brazil, Glorieta de Covadonga, Isabel la Católica, Glorieta de San Diego, Palos de la Frontera, Avenida de Roma, Puerta de Jerez, San Gregorio, Plaza de la Contratación, Miguel de Mañara, Plaza del Triunfo, Plaza Virgen de los Reyes and entrance Puerta de Palos.
Return: Puerta de Palos, Placentines, Alemanes, Avenida de la Constitución, Andén del Ayuntamiento, Plaza Nueva, Barcelona, Gamazo, Castelar, García de Vinuesa, Arfe, Almirantazgo, Postigo del Aceite, Tomás de Ibarra, Santander, Plaza Rodríguez Jurado, Avenida de la Constitución, Puerta de Jerez, San Fernando, Avenida del Cid, Glorieta de San Diego, Isabel la Católica, Glorieta de Covadonga, Don Pelayo, Felipe II, Progreso, Brasil, Río de la Plata y parroquia de San Sebastián.
Stay with us and enjoy a special celebration that will not be repeated! Best price available by booking directly on our website.