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Elcano letter to Carlos V, at the Archivo de Indias

by | Jan 1, 2015 | ENGLISH | 0 comments

Juan-Sebastián-Elcano-Archivo-General-de-Indias-Adquisición-Estado-julio-2014-209x300The government get the letter Elcano sent to Charles V arriving after three years of travel. This will be exposed at the Archivo de Indias.

The Ministry of Education and Culture acquired at auction in June, a letter of September 6, 1522, in which Juan Sebastian Elcano tells the king Carlos V, after three long years of travel, issuing the Navy Spice is back and he very briefly recounts the journey that began in 1519 but was unable to conclude Ferdinand Magellan. With the arrival of this letter, the Archivo de Indias and the Nao Victoria Foundation have made her the star of the show Primus circumdedisti me, that’s the motto of the shield that King gave to Elcano: you were the first that gave me back , surrounding a globe.

Seville,  August 10, 1519 five ships depart with 243 crew on board, only 18 men, arrived at Seville again on September 8, 1522.

Visitors can see the letter and transcript, plus another letter that accompanied him, some also attribute to Elcano and which speaks of the possibility of opening a House of Trade in La Coruña. In the letter to Carlos V, where the sailor highlights the “works and sweats and hanbre and thirst and cold and heat it your people have spent on your serviçio” is a particularly significant phrase: “We have discovered and rounded all the redondeza the world. “

The exhibition is accompanied by other documents, such as the Spice Fleet was formed (because his mission was to find an alternative route to the Moluccas, Indonesia now and then known as the Spice Islands) was a mission crown, was noted and filed all: what they charged men, who embarked stores and even the cost of the ships, such as Concepción, which went out 228,000 maravedis.